Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Hayley's Bat Mitzvah at the Chevy Chase Women's Club

Hayley's Bat Mitzvah - Live, Love, Dance - took place this past weekend. Guests were treated to a room decorated with Hayley's dance memories from her whole life. Dance outfits acted as centerpieces - and photos of Hayley adorned the walls of the Chevy Chase Women's club. A huge "Hayley" sign was the centerpiece of the stage - which also featured our Diamond Set.

From start to finish, the dance floor was packaged. Kids and adults partied the night away and had to be chased off the dance floor when the party was officially over. Another great party hosted by MC Brian and featuring three of the most talented dancers in the industry. Mazel Tov Hayley!

By the way - here's what Hayley's family had to say after the party:

Thank you, Brian!! The party was amazing and everyone is talking about the energetic young man that led the party, the fact that they could talk with the people at their table and the fantastic music that allowed everyone to dance. Thank you for making the party even better than we had hoped!!! It was truly a night to remember.

Thanks again for a truly memorable evening, not just for us, but for our guests. They are all raving about you!!
